Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Wide World of Economics!

    This week in our class we focused on the topic of Economics! How do you teach economics? What are some of the subtopics within Economics? We reviewed all of this by creating a class slide! Dr. Smirnova gave us a list of subtopics to chose from and with those topics we would contribute to the class slide with 2 or 3 slides each. We also created something extra, like a poster, using a digital tool.

     For my contribution I worked with Kim and we focused on the topic of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. This is a very easy topic to relay to students because it is simply explaining the differences of what each is. I thought this topic was very fun to research about and see many ways we could teach this to students. For our digital tools we used Glogster and Voki. I love using glogster and would definitely use it again and the same with Voki. Both tools are a great way to relay information and introduce the topic to students. They are both very easy to use as well.


  • The study of particular markets, and segments of the economy. 
  • This topics looks at consumer behaviors and individual labor markets. 
  • It looks at the smaller scale of the economy. 

  • Looks at the economy on a larger scale or national level. 
  • It deals with the nations output and inflation. 
  • Globalisation and economic growth. 

       When looking at the differences in microeconomics and macroeconomics, teachers will be able to split the class into two and have each side focus on micro and one on marco. You could  also have the students, while split up, come up with examples micro or macro. 

Here is the link to our class powerpoint. This powerpoint not only contains macroeconomics and microeconomics but also an introductions into economics, different lessons that could be used, etc. 
Here is also a link to our glogster on the topic we chose! It goes further in depth with the differences of Micro vs. Macro and visual aids. 

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