Wednesday, May 4, 2016


   Yesterday was a very interesting experience! We were apart of our class's own mock interview. All of my colleagues were dressed professionally and brought their resumes as if it was a real interview. Four of our colleagues pretended to be school principals and each school focused on a different lesson or topic. We were split up into our fieldwork groups and the "principals" came to us and asked us questions while in groups.

     The "principals" came up with very interesting and well thought out questions. The ones I loved the most was the color question that one came up with. The interviewer asked what is the first color that comes to mind when you think of a collaborative lesson. For me, as well as the people in my group that were being interviewed, came up with a rainbow. When you think off all the colors in the rainbow they each represent a student and how different they are in the way they learn. The colors all come together to form a one big rainbow and that is what happens when you are working collaboratively.  Another question I was asked was what are three ways in which you would incorporate technology into the classroom. I thought this was a great question as well. In todays world of teaching technology is becoming a key component in classrooms. It is important for us to incorporate it too. This class as given me many different websites and digital tools for me to be able to bring it into my classroom. While all the "principals" came up with good questions and scenarios, those two definitely stuck out at me the most.

    I thought this was a great experience to learn how a interview will be like when apply for a teaching position. I will definitely keep in mind what has happened yesterday and apply that for when I am ready to interview for my very own teaching position in a school! I cannot wait to start that part of my life.

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