Thursday, March 17, 2016

Our time at Fieldwork!

       We finally finished our last day at fieldwork! All four groups presented their three lessons and I can honestly say it was a stressful couple of weeks, but it was very rewarding. I observed and learned so much from not only my group, but my colleagues work as well. My colleagues did a wonderful job in their first time of teaching. They all executed their lessons perfectly. However, there could be some minor improvements, such as the academic language and the  different ways of teaching these lessons. Most importantly our time management. We all in at least one lesson went under or over our time limit.

Lesson Plans
       We learned how to teach direct instruction, which is teaching the students the information. For example, using powerpoint or a prezi. You also will have guided practices that you can do as a class to further extend their knowledge on the topic. The other two lessons, which we did in groups in one hour, are inquiry lesson and the cooperative lesson. In our inquiry lesson, we had student solve a problem, come up with a hypothesis, and find evidence to come to a conclusion. With cooperative, we had students work in groups to do an activity that furthered their knowledge of the given topic. Below are the links to my groups lesson plans for all three lessons!

                                      Direct Lesson

                                                                                   Inquiry Lesson

                                                                              Cooperative Lesson 

Reflections & Observations 
     When observing my colleagues in their groups I watched different kinds of direct, inquiry, and cooperative lessons. I saw ways of teaching that I could use when I student teach and I saw ways that I know not to do. For example, when asking a student a question make sure you ask a couple of students not just one. You could also have the whole  class agree or disagree in many different ways. This helps you as a teacher find out if the hole class understands the topic being taught. I also learned new terms in academic language, such as not to say the word "guys" and use terms such as "boys and girls" or depending on the topic "explorers" or "learners". Not only did this experience help me to learn to better myself as a teacher but also how to work in groups. While observing we were expected to fill out observation reports. These reports helped not only the observers but also the group that presented a time to reflect and also look at what improvements could be made. Below are the links to my observation reports for each group and their lessons, including my own group!

Group 1

Group 2 

Group 3 (my group) 

Group 4 

We as teachers all did an amazing job and cannot wait for new experiences and opportunities to come. This was a great learning experience for me in becoming a teacher and for the rest of my class!

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