Thursday, March 3, 2016

Last Day of Teaching

We made it through the second day of teaching! Today we taught two lessons, inquiry and
cooperative. Many of the groups struggled with the time management but we managed to fit both lessons into one hour! I thought that was awesome! There were a little bit of spots in our lesson were we could have improved and done differently but has far as getting both lesson plans done in the given amount of time I thought we did pretty well.
For our Inquiry lesson we did artifact bags the students, in groups, were to try and figure out what event they had. Within the bag were clues and documents. For an Inquiry lesson students must have a question that they are suppose to solve, create a hypothesis, and then try to come up with a conclusion or solution to the problem. That is what our Inquiry lesson showed and we used a worksheet to help guide the students through the process.
For our cooperative lesson, we already had the students in their group from the Inquiry so that saved us some time! The whole class created a aromatic poem together and used the word Independence. However, we gave each group a couple of leader so they can decide what word they wanted to use. We created as a class the acrostic poem on a poster board and had the students keep it to hang up in their classroom.
There were some improvements that we could have made to our lesson to make it messed rushed. It was a little rushed when having the students work into groups. We were also less prepared then we were on our direct lesson. I feel the direct lesson went a lot smoother then this one, but over all I thought we did a great job. I am excited to see what the other next group has planned!

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