Sunday, January 31, 2016

Different Ways of Learning!

For week 2  we are learning and starting to teach three types of instructional learning. These are some of the different methods, methods and strategies of teaching that can help give instruction.

    • Direct Instruction: direct teaching, lecture, structure overview, compare and contrast, etc.
    • Indirect Instruction : problem solving, Inquiry, student centered, reflection, etc.
    •  Interactive instruction : discussion, groups, cooperative problem solving, brainstorming, etc. 
There are other ways of instruction such as experimental learning and Independent study. However, we are only going to be using Direct, Indirect and Interactive in our fieldwork. We also learned about the different types of assessments. Assessments are a very important part of learning. They help review, challenge the students knowledge, and give them a better understanding of what they truly know. They also help teachers find out what the students know, don't know, or are struggling with. The three types of assessments: Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative are the main parts to which teachers get that information. There are many ways to act out those three types of assessments to fit the needs of all different types of learners. I for one am excited to put both the different strategies of learning and assessments into action and use them in the field. Below I attached my graphic organizer which will help people get a better understanding of the assessments. 

Here is a link to my graphic organizer!

Back to School!

        It's that time of year again! New semester, new classes, new schedule, and more learning! I can already tell that this semester is going to be packed with work and new experiences. I am excited to see what this semester brings for us all! The first class is always the most interesting. You meet your teachers, see all old friends and meet new ones. I can't wait to learn more interesting and new ways to teach children.
For out first activity we created about me projects. These projects helped us as teachers see the different uses of technology we can use inside of a classroom. For my project I used a Thinglink. It is an interactive image that created. I used a picture of my family and and then connected a couple of other pictures that explain my life and who I am. I can't wait to see what else I am going to learn during the rest of the semester! 

Here is a link to my About me project!